Monday, 6 November 2017

Discussion: The Vampire Diaries Finale

I've never really written a blog post like this before but I got SO into The Vampire Diaries (from now on being referred to as TVD during this post to save my fingers, and your eyes some work) that I feel the need to discuss it with any of you that have also finished the whole series.

Pre-warning before reading THIS POST WILL CONTAIN SPOILERS so if you're half way through and don't want to know what happens don't read any further!!

Let's just start by saying WHAT an emotional rollercoaster. 
I don't think I've ever cried at a TV show as much as I did this one, one minute you think everything's going great and then BAM you're heart broken for the rest of time. (okay maybe slightly dramatic).

Enzo's death:
This for me was one of the most unexpected deaths of the whole eight seasons!
When Enzo was first introduced in the fifth season I seriously hated him and wanted more than ever for someone to kill him off (sorry not sorry) but but the last season I LOVED HIM and his death was one of the worst. Finally Bonnie was happy and getting what she wanted and then Ripper Stefan comes along and rips Enzo's heart out - quite literally. I thought they would find a way to bring him back and was so disappointed when the end credits came up for the very last time and he was still just a ghost by Bonnie's side...still he was with her and thats cuuuute.

Katherine's return:
I LOVED that they decided to bring back Katherine for one last battle, she was definitely one of my favourite villains in the series and I never thought she would make a comeback after dying earlier on. For one it brought Nina Dobrev back onto the screen (woohoo!) and secondly Katherine is for sure one of the best/badass characters. 

Damon & Elena reunite:
I missed Elena being in the series SO much. Obviously the whole storyline of TVD revolves very heavily around her so without her the episodes never really seemed as good (just me??) I loved watching it still obviously but I missed the 'Delena' cutesy scenes.
Damon & Elena being reunited I knew as soon she went into her spiritual coma would be super emotional, and when it finally happened I think I cried harder than ever!! And even better Bonnie managed to break the spell meaning she could live also - finally something good for Bonnie, about blimmin time.

Stefan & Caroline:
The writers of TVD should never sleep at night again after killing off Stefan.
I never expected him to die and - like Enzo - always thought that if he did there would be a way to bring him back...or at least make him a vampire again when he got injected with The Cure.
I guess his death made sense really, as he couldn't live with the guilt of his past but's Stefan!!!
Damon and Caroline saying goodbye to him was obviously super sad, especially the voicemail part...but Stefan meeting Elena back in the school hallway as 'ghosts' and then meeting Lexi outside - it was all too much to cope with!!

The last scene:
The final scene wrapping up what each person was now doing was once emotional one. I loved that they brought back old characters as ghosts looking over everyone that missed them, and completely pushed me over the brink of emotional break down when after a long life with Damon Elena was reunited with her parents and other family members that died way back in the first season. Of course Damon & Stefan were also brought back together and part of me hoped that they all eventually found one another in the 'after life' but it does kinda bother me that unless she takes the cure Caroline may never be with them again :( but was there a slight nod towards future with Klaus during one of the last moments when he sent her a cheque....

Overall I LOVED the season eight, even if it did leave me in a state of complete tears when the credits rolled up for the very last time but who knows, maybe I'll go back to season one and watch it all over again...or find another series obsess over....which is more than likely.

Any suggestions on what I could watch next?
...I'm thinking Stranger Things.


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  1. Maybe I should rewatch TVD. I used to watch it a couple of years ago, but then stopped.
