Sunday, 24 September 2017

The Unique Blogger Award (Tag)

What would blogging even be without a good old tag post?!
I personally love reading tag posts to find out a bit more about the person behind the blog so  thank you to Hannah from What Hannah Wrote for including me in this little 'Unique Blogger Award' question and answers!
The rules for this tag are:
o Thank your nominator
o Answer the questions that your nominator left for you
o Nominate 5-10 people (and let them know)
o Set questions for your nominees to answer
So here are my answers to the questions left by Hannah - 
1. What’s your all-time favourite song?
I'm not sure I have an all time favourite as I change then so often (anyone do the whole, love a song, listen to it on repeat for a week and then hate it routine because same) but at the moment I am LOVING Louis Tomlinson Back To You.
2. What was your main motivation behind starting a blog?
When I was younger I always wanted to be an author and would spend hours writing stories - usually my own version of a Bratz episode or something haha. I also always enjoyed English lessons at school and still now just generally love writing and getting my thoughts down onto paper (or a laptop screen). I had also read a few blogs before and really liked the concept of it and the way people made internet friends through all having the same hobby.
3. Pineapple on pizza: yes or no?
Oh goddd, I feel like this is a proper WW3 starter question...I'm not a huge pizza eater but yeaaahh the thought of Pineapple is weird on a savoury meal but I think I'm going to have to say yes. To be fair I normally pick the pineapple off and eat it separately but I do love the way it tastes from being on the pizza in the first place...
4. If you could go back five years to give yourself some advice, what would it be?
5. What was your favourite age, and why?
I looooved being eight. What worries does anyone have at the age of eight? Whenever I think back to childhood I always think of memories of being that age because life was so simple and great. 
My questions for my nominees are:
o Whats your favourite thing about blogging?
o Have you kept your blog a secret from friends & family or do they know?
o Summer or Winter?
o  What is one of your biggest pet peeves?
o On a scale of one to ten, how excited are you for Christmas?
And finally my nominees arreeeee:


Where else to find me:

<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

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