Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Facing A Fear

Nobody likes being told they can't do something, but some things are chosen not to be done, simply out of being far too scared of the outcome or consequences. 

For me personally, if I'm scared of something I - of course - try to avoid that thing at all costs. Whether it's that horrible long legged spider in the corner of my bedroom I can't get rid of or that road I really hate driving down on my own, if I can stay away from it, then I will try my very best too.

Facing fears is important though and I'm definitely trying at the moment to overcome the smaller ones that have stopped me, in the past doing something I actually really wanted to do.

Body confidence in itself is one of those things I've never been that great at overcoming, my legs being the main problem. 
I don't tan, and have 'chicken skin' (more scientifically known as Keratosis Pilaris) all over my legs, as well as that I have a tattoo on the lower part of my left leg which I got done on a bit of an impulse when I was 17...and although it's not a bad tattoo I do kind of wish I hadn't had it done, so it makes me constantly conscious of people looking at it.
The Summer months obviously being a bit more difficult than the rest of the year and 90% of the time I spend it boiling hot from the waist down in shorts - and tights - or a skirt - and tights, or sometimes even jeans.

But this week the weather has been scorching and once it reached the weekend and I could no longer use the excuse to wear trousers as it was 'part of my work uniform' I bit the bullet, dug my playsuit out of the bottom of my wardrobe, put on a pair of wedges added a couple of pieces of jewellery and went out for the day with my boyfriend.

(I even had an old lady tell me she loved my tattoo and thought it was 'gorgeous!')
I wasn't hot, my legs weren't burning up under a pair a pair of black tights, and above all I actually felt slightly confident at the way I looked.


It's a big step forward and although it may only be something small - it feels like a big achievement, and I'm actually excited to go onto ASOS and buy some new summer shorts and outfits knowing I can wear them out properly, feeling slightly less self conscious and scared of what people thought as before. 

Has anyone else faced a fear recently?


P.S Thankyou all SO MUCH for all the support when I tweeted about getting my legs out on Twitter. I've had constant replies and likes, even now after posting it two days ago! You're all the best, and I appreciate every single one xoxox

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Where else to find me - 

Twitter - @mollydotw
Instagram - @riddikulus___
Photography Instagram - @captured_by_molly
Photography page - Facebook 'Captured by Molly' 


  1. Such an amazing post! Small challenges make such a huge difference once you've overcome them, I learnt that this week when I did a week's food shop all on my own, I was so proud of myself. Well done, and keep up the good work! X


    1. Thankyou! Little steps at a time is definitely the way. I set myself the goal to get my legs out this year, and now I've done it once I'm excited to wear nicer summer outfits, and actually feel confident :) yay! well done :D xox

  2. I really enjoyed how relatable this post was. Fear when it comes to body image is Huge. From middle school to highschool I was so self conscious about my hair. I envied girl's with straight hair. But when I entered college I wore my hair in it's natural afro state and everyone loved it. I take it day by day and now I am getting alittle more confident.
    I wrote a post similar to this topic. I addressed the quote "Don't Let Fear Stop You From living" I think you will like it if you wanna check it out :)


    1. Thankyou so much! I'm glad you could relate in some way :)
      I follow you on Twitter and I LOVE your hair! I'm very envious of people with naturally curly/afro hair - I think it's so pretty, you definitely rock it!
      I'll definitely check out your blog post too, thanks for sharing it :P
