One word that we all know and love A LOT,
ooo even writing it makes me want to head back up to my bedroom and carry on watching the next episode of a series.
I've never really been a big TV watcher, and prefer a good film ( 'film' I most definitely mean Harry Potter and nothing else but), even when everyone around me was watching series on Netflix and talking about it 24/7, I was never inclined to pay for a monthly subscription.
That was until, my sister made her own account and agreed to adding me onto hers - free of charge.
Soooo, after a while of not using it and meh not really being bothered, one very bored afternoon I remembered a series I started watching on DVD a few years ago, 90210 and never finished, so with the DVDs long lost I gave in, found it on Netflix and binged watched the whole lot for weeks.
You know what its finish one series, mourn the loss of it ending but then another is suggested, and then another and's great!
I've very recently started The Vampire Diaries and I know I'm late to the party but oooohh myyyy gooodnesssss, OBSESSED.
Who doesn't love 45 minute long episodes full to the brim of ridiculously good looking vamps with a good story line to go along with it...and it wasent until I found myself GENUINELY dreaming about it that I realised, it is indeed taking over my life (defo not complaining).
1.) You find it impossible to not click 'watch next episode'
This is the struggle right?
Netflix the cheeky little thing ends one episode and temps you with the next with a little description of whats going to happen next and all you need is one simple click to watch it. ahhhh, how can you possibly resist?
2.) 'Are you still watching?'
We've all had it.
Netflix has to check you're still watching as its been on for SO long. And of course we're still sat there...maybe since 9am and its now 10pm and we haven't yet showered but YES WE'RE STILL WATCHING.
3.) Sleeping pattern? a what?
A good regular sleeping pattern becomes something in the long lost past, long before the days you found out about Netflix, and probably something that won't be back any time soon, (once every series ever has been watched maybe and Netflix can no longer suggest anymore).
1am has become my new bedtime...well that is if the episode that ends doesn't end in a huge cliff hanger which means the next one MUST be watched!
4.) Cliff-hanger endings are just too much too cope with.
Every time right?
'This will be the last one, and then I'll go to bed' but then BAM it's like the TV has heard and throws a huge cliff-hanger ending and now its impossible to sleep because, whats going to happen next???
5.) You start associating your own life...with the series.
This is where things can become a bit more embarressing.
Dreaming about it is private and nobody else has to know (yes...I dreamt I was a vampire hahahahahahaaaaa......) but when you've watched a series with actors using a different accent to your own and then you talk and wonder why you're not sounding the same...that's when you know you've watched too much, not that it will stop us watching, THAT CLIFF HANGER IT LEFT ON.
6.) Feeling genuine excitement to get home and watch more
I go to my boyfriends pretty much everyday after work, and as hes not a really a TV watcher I have to wait until at least 9:30pm until I can get home and watch another episode. He luckily finds it hilarious how much I get into a series and just rolled his eyes when I said 'I need to get home, so I can fit in at least three before bed' whoops.
Can you relate?
And what series are you watching recently?
PLL is back this month so then I'll have that and TVD to watch...full hibernation mode activated.
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