Monday, 18 July 2016

Girls Can Be Friends With Boys...

Something has been playing on my mind recently, and it's one of those things where the more I think about it the angrier it makes me, so the more it makes me think to the point where I end up face-palming so hard my eyes almost fall out of my head and roll across the floor and I'm left questioning society and generally how the world works and things like that drive me INSANE.
Anyone else?

As you've already guessed by the title (unless you're one of those naughty little readers who miss out the titles - yes I see you out there) its simply that girls can be friends with boys - and boys can be friends with girls.
Nothing more and nothing less than FRIENDS.

Could I put anymore emphasis on the word friend?
(The word friend is starting to look weird now because I've typed it so much - like when you say your own name a hundred times bleurrgggghh)

It's taken me by a huge surprise the reaction people have had to myself (being a girl in case you're new here or just a bit confused) becoming good friends with a guy and spending time with him at work despite us both being in long-term relationships with other people.

At first it was something to laugh off and I genuinely found it funny when people were asking us if we 'liked each other' and 'why we are spending time together' or 'how come you talk so much' because to be honest it's perfectly natural for people to be curious about these things when seeing a boy and a girl spending time together - I'm guilty of doing it myself and always wanting to find out the gossip and who likes's in our nature!
But it became another story once the air was cleared and everybody found out we had our own relationships and were simply - just friends, yet still believed we liked each other, and it soon became less funny and a bit more annoying.
And it kind of gets to the point where we don't want to hang around so much because of all the talk behind us - which is so so wrong :(

Its a tricky situation but one that I strongly believe is immature and slightly naive.

You see it everywhere nowadays and I actually feel for celebrities or well known YouTubers who have their lives scrutinized by the public for 'being seen with another girl/boy' which can only mean one thing - their OBVIOUSLY cheating(!!!!) (note the sarcasm).
I find it bad enough with the few people I work with and I cannot get my head around it.

Lets try and look at the situation from a different angle.
If a girls likes girls and everybody knows shes that way inclined and she hangs out with girls all the time nobody really sees a problem. Nobody (or not as many) thinks she fancies every girl shes hanging around with - it's just a girl hanging out with girls and the same goes for boys who likes boys and hangs out with boys.
Yet if a straight girl and boy hang out then theres a problem.
Does that make sense?
I feel like I've made that sound a lot more confusing than it needs to be...

But in all honesty I think it all comes down to life experience and knowledge - now I'm no Guru but I am quite open to a lot of things (now now get your heads out the gutter) and feel like I am the sort of person to let people be and do what they want to be.
Love is love,
and friendship is friendship and that should easily be understood and recognised, because starting rumors or assuming certain things about two people are enough to harm others and not just the two people it is about - something to think about. 

I don't want to make this too much of a ranty post as I like my blog to be a positive outlet but I'm just interested to know other peoples views on this and whether you've ever had any problems with the same sorts of things? Because quite honestly we're in 2016 now and if a boy and girl can't be close friends then what else am I missing here?

Lots of love! To all you guys and girls out there.

P.S yes yes yeeees those beauty first impressions/reviews are on there way I promised in the last post - hang fire its a work in progress. 

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Where else to find me - 

Twitter - @daffodilsdaisys

Instagram - @riddikulus___


  1. Preach!! I definitely feel the same way that you do, it drives me mad when I am good friends with lads and people make assumptions or make comments that are completely inaccurate and ridiculous and just make it awkward! Hopefully people will soon realise that people of the opposite sex can just be friends! Great post!

    Grace X

    1. Thankyou!
      Yes I definitely agree, comments people make just make the friendship feel awkward which then ruins it slightly and eventually it just feels weird :( I'm s hoping more people will realise that the opposite sex can be close friends and nothing but friends! xx
