Wednesday, 20 July 2016

New Product Reviews

I loooooove a good product review post.
Especially honest ones which I always definitely try and do as theres no point in telling everyone that every product you've ever tried is the best thing ever - because that definitely is not true (although like would be great if it was).

I have a bit of a variety of products to review in this post and although there isnt many of them I feel like they are all general day to day cosmetics that most people would use, so I'm hoping some of you may find this a bit helpful.
If you would like to know where to buy any of these products just give the pictures a little click :)

Firstly is this little gem I found in my local Boots store on the Maybelline stand.

I had been on the search for a new concealer for a while and couldn't find one suiting and to be honest after getting a bit bored of looking I saw this, picked it up in my shade (Vanilla),
bought it and hoped for the best.
The first time I used it I was a bit skeptical because it doesn't look hat big and to be quite honest resembles a lip stick more than a concealer...
But I gave it ago anyway was so pleasantly surprised.
I love this product!
It covers up my blemishes and spots in any area of my face and blends out so well.
It doesn't feel heavy or thick at all and once its been blended, you can't really tell you've got it on (apart from the fact your face is blemish and spot free!) 
It also matches my skin tone so well and although it was hard to find one in the shop that didn't have finger prints all over the top (unfortunately there wasent any testers) don't let that put you off nor the size of it as it does last a good while - probably the same sort of length as a liquid concealer.
I just love this.

Next is a little lipstick purchase...

Now I always use the same nude lipstick by Kate Moss so decided to try something a little different whilst online shopping on the Superdrug website. 
Once it arrived I was straight away impressed with the packaging, its small, compact and cute but once opened - the colour is horrendous (for me anyway).
It looks nothing like the shade pictured online and it comes out like an orangey colour and makes it look like you have foundation all over your lips rather than lipstick.
The coverage is also awful and a lot is needed to make it cover properly.
All in all I won't be wearing it but I guess for the price you kind of get what you pay for.

Skin care next!

If you've been reading my blog for a while you'll already know that I love Simple products and use them pretty much everyday in some shape or form so when I was online looking for a new face mask I knew straight away this would be the one for me.
Firstly I love that it comes in a little bottle as I find packs of face masks are very messy to use and a complete nightmare, its's also small, affordable and easy to store.
I've only used this once so far and completely loved it. You need quite a lot to cover your face but not a massive amount as it doesn't need to be thick and it only needs to be left on for 5 minutes so its great if you need a little bit of skin care before going out!
My skin felt soft and hydrated after using this face mask too, and this carried on until the next morning.
Definitely give this a try!

Now I couldn't use my own photos of this product simply because it's very well loved and used that no matter how much I tried to take a nice photo of it it just looked gross (even though it's washed A LOT).

It's the B Beauty Blending Sponge.
When it comes to applying makeup I was always using Real Technique brushes all the time until I came across one of these and decided to give it a try.
It's amazing!
The pointed end is perfect for blending in concealer around your nose and under your eyes and the rounded side blends foundation like a dream without any brush marks or patchy parts. Plus it makes foundation look so natural!
The only down side is that they need to be washed in shampoo quite often and even then they do stain after a while and sometimes start to get holes in but they aren't too pricey to buy another and they are totally worth it.
Get yourself one of these!
(Helpful tip: When applying foundation with one of these it's much better to dab rather than wipe as it helps to apply it evenly and without any sponge marks.)

What new products have you been trying recently?

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Where else to find me - 

Twitter - @daffodilsdaisys

Instagram - @riddikulus___

Monday, 18 July 2016

Girls Can Be Friends With Boys...

Something has been playing on my mind recently, and it's one of those things where the more I think about it the angrier it makes me, so the more it makes me think to the point where I end up face-palming so hard my eyes almost fall out of my head and roll across the floor and I'm left questioning society and generally how the world works and things like that drive me INSANE.
Anyone else?

As you've already guessed by the title (unless you're one of those naughty little readers who miss out the titles - yes I see you out there) its simply that girls can be friends with boys - and boys can be friends with girls.
Nothing more and nothing less than FRIENDS.

Could I put anymore emphasis on the word friend?
(The word friend is starting to look weird now because I've typed it so much - like when you say your own name a hundred times bleurrgggghh)

It's taken me by a huge surprise the reaction people have had to myself (being a girl in case you're new here or just a bit confused) becoming good friends with a guy and spending time with him at work despite us both being in long-term relationships with other people.

At first it was something to laugh off and I genuinely found it funny when people were asking us if we 'liked each other' and 'why we are spending time together' or 'how come you talk so much' because to be honest it's perfectly natural for people to be curious about these things when seeing a boy and a girl spending time together - I'm guilty of doing it myself and always wanting to find out the gossip and who likes's in our nature!
But it became another story once the air was cleared and everybody found out we had our own relationships and were simply - just friends, yet still believed we liked each other, and it soon became less funny and a bit more annoying.
And it kind of gets to the point where we don't want to hang around so much because of all the talk behind us - which is so so wrong :(

Its a tricky situation but one that I strongly believe is immature and slightly naive.

You see it everywhere nowadays and I actually feel for celebrities or well known YouTubers who have their lives scrutinized by the public for 'being seen with another girl/boy' which can only mean one thing - their OBVIOUSLY cheating(!!!!) (note the sarcasm).
I find it bad enough with the few people I work with and I cannot get my head around it.

Lets try and look at the situation from a different angle.
If a girls likes girls and everybody knows shes that way inclined and she hangs out with girls all the time nobody really sees a problem. Nobody (or not as many) thinks she fancies every girl shes hanging around with - it's just a girl hanging out with girls and the same goes for boys who likes boys and hangs out with boys.
Yet if a straight girl and boy hang out then theres a problem.
Does that make sense?
I feel like I've made that sound a lot more confusing than it needs to be...

But in all honesty I think it all comes down to life experience and knowledge - now I'm no Guru but I am quite open to a lot of things (now now get your heads out the gutter) and feel like I am the sort of person to let people be and do what they want to be.
Love is love,
and friendship is friendship and that should easily be understood and recognised, because starting rumors or assuming certain things about two people are enough to harm others and not just the two people it is about - something to think about. 

I don't want to make this too much of a ranty post as I like my blog to be a positive outlet but I'm just interested to know other peoples views on this and whether you've ever had any problems with the same sorts of things? Because quite honestly we're in 2016 now and if a boy and girl can't be close friends then what else am I missing here?

Lots of love! To all you guys and girls out there.

P.S yes yes yeeees those beauty first impressions/reviews are on there way I promised in the last post - hang fire its a work in progress. 

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Where else to find me - 

Twitter - @daffodilsdaisys

Instagram - @riddikulus___

Saturday, 9 July 2016

Day In The Life #2 - Glastonbury Day Out

If any of you live in the UK like me then you most likely would have heard of Glastonbury Festival - it's one of the biggest music festivals in the world so you may have possibly even heard of it wherever you live in the world!
Anyways the festival personally is my idea of a nightmare so we (we being myself and my boyfriend) decided to give the town a little visit once all the festivities had finished, and lets just say - we loved it and all its weirdness.

And by weirdness I really do mean WEIRDness.
It's a very quirky little town full of all things magic, spiritual and natural - literally like something out of a story book, with narrow little streets packed to the brim with all these cute little shops selling items I thought never even existed.

Yes a shop actually sold an Ouija Board - scary scary scary thing I'd never touch if someone paid me! (I literally took the photo and walked straight away haha).

Some of the art work in these shops were absolutely amazing (even if I had no idea what half of it meant).

If I had a £1 for every dragon or Buddha statue I saw that day I would be one very rich girl right now. I even ended up buying a 'Laughing Buddha' for my bedroom as they are the sweetest little things and supposed to bring happiness to your home - cuuuuuute. 

I found this so strange but so cool - a bookshop that sold nothing but magic books! Being the Harry Potter fan that I am I kind of felt like I'd taken flu powder, stepped into a fire place and shouted the words 'Diagon Alley.' I was tempted to buy one but felt like they all looked to good sat together on the shelf - I couldn't bear to part them.

These little jars were kind of freaky filled with lots of different 'ingredients' for potions etc - including Basilik Fangs and Werewolf Fur...

There was so such cute little pieces of graffiti around the town - this bit being my favourite. 
In fact I lost count of the amount of times I claimed something was 'so cute!' whilst being in Glastonbury for the day as everything was literally the cutest thing and I just loved everything about it - especially the fact that it's far from your average town you can find in any old place. This town is most definitely unique and worth a visit. It's not a full day out unless of course you decide to walk up the Glastonbury Tor, which we initially wanted to but decided against as the weather was so flippin' humid I probably would have melted half way up and never been seen again.

I would definitely recommend visiting here if you are ever nearby and wanting a nice little day trip, (plus they have an amazing bakery which sell THE BEST chocolate muffins so its worth it just for that hahaa) but be prepared to be mobbed by members of Green Peace who we found wondering the streets (easily avoided by quickly slipping into a nearby shop until the coast is clear - and there are plenty of shops to do so!)

I hope you enjoyed this little bit of a different styled post to my usual - I love documenting little days like this for others to read and also for myself to look back on in a few years :)

P.S My posts will be back to normal with the next one where I have a few first impressions and reviews on some new beauty items so keep your eyes peeled for that! 

Where have you visited recently?


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Where else to find me - 

Twitter - @daffodilsdaisys

Instagram - @riddikulus___

Saturday, 2 July 2016

Realistic Quick&Easy Evening Skin Care Routine

Prepare yourself for a little blast from the past!

Everyone loves a good old routine post though right?
(Yes, yes they so do).

I'm going to take a little leaf out of Gabriella Lindley's book and make this routine realistic, as lets be honest nobody does a two hour long spa treatment on their entire face every night (if you do then I salute you for taking one for the team).

I used to be very lazy when it came to skincare, especially in the evening as in my opinion - evenings are for chilling out after work - binge eating and watching OITNB, not hauled up in the bathroom with your face over a bowl of steam.
More recently I've become a lot more aware of the benefits of regular skincare and have seen the changes in my skin and how much better my skin feels after just a few weeks of applying a few products.
My routine is honestly the quickest thing with four easy steps, but is so so effective and something I've actually become to enjoy and I now do it every night and it feels odd if I don't do it, like my skin doesn't feel clean enough to go to bed with - is that weird?

- Be sure to click on the photo of the products to take you to a place to buy them -

I start off with what most girls may raise their eyebrows and roll their eyes at...

Makeup wipes!!
Now don't give me that 'that's the lazy way and so bad for your skin' look because I know I know and I hear it all the time but for me makeup wipes are always the start of my process of taking off my makeup. They don't get into every nook and cranny but they do get off the worst of it.
I pacifically only use Simple wipes just because over many years of using cheap own brand ones I noticed the difference straight away when using the slightly more pricey Simple ones. They genuinely make my skin feel softer and seem to take off more makeup per wipe than cheaper ones, so I only end up using one each time rather than a couple.
(They also take off water proof mascara perfectly, and don't sting your eyes - wooo!)
Just like all Simple products they are all natural ingredients without any harsh chemicals which I also love and they hydrate your face so well.
I just love them - and they are nearly always on sale so that's even better. for you and your bank balance!

Once most of my makeup is off from the wipes, I use a small round cotton pad and Garnier Miscellar water to refresh my face and get off any makeup which may have been missed.

This is my favourite part for sure.
I loooove the feel that this product gives my skin during and after use, and how soothing it feels to apply.
Miscellar water can be used to take off makeup on its own but I prefer it as more of a hydrater than a makeup remover, (hence using the wipes beforehand).
No rinsing is required after using either which is SUCH a bonus, as I don't know about you but I hate having to splash water on my face before bed - it makes my hair all wet (no matter how hard I try to keep it out the way) and then I feel too awake to go to bed straight after. It's just too much faffing around for me, so this water is so handy to have. 
It's also not too on the pricey side and the 400ml bottle is huge and lasts for ages!
Plus a little goes a long way, so I only cover the middle of a cotton wool pad and that's enough to wipe all over my face, including my eyes (this also doesn't sting).
Micellar water is also perfect for sensitive skin :)

After all my makeup is completely off and my face is feeling hydrated and smooth it's then time for some night cream.

This is the second night cream I have used since starting an evening skincare routine, the first being the Ren night cream which is much more pricey.
In my opinion the Nivea cream works just as well as the more high end Ren cream and still gives my face a nice feel after use.
The consistency of this cream is quite thick but I feel like most night creams are as they aren't designed for makeup or any other cosmetic product to be put over the top once applied.
Although the pot is small (which makes it extremely easy to store) it lasts a long time and not much is needed to cover your entire face, and I find it works especially well in dry or blemishes areas where you may have spots. And my most favourite thing is that it doesn't feel sticky or uncomfortable once applied. It soaks in really quick and a few minutes after you don't even remember you're wearing it :)

I do find the next morning after using this night cream I do have to use a damp flannel just to wipe all around my face to get off any cream that hadn't soaked in completely over night but I think this is the case with most night creams, just due to them being so thick.

My last step is just to add a little bit of lip balm

My favourite choice being the Nivea Essential Care stick.
It hasn't really got a scent or colour to it (not that's really important when you're just about to go to bed) but it does have an immediate softening effect and I can quite easily say this stuff makes a difference being worn every night, and my lips genuinely feel much healthier in the mornings when this balm has been applied the night before. 
I love this! And it's such an easy and simple way of having more hydrated lips during the summer.

Do you have any quick and easy evening skin care products you love?
Let me know!


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Where else to find me - 

Twitter - @daffodilsdaisys

Instagram - @riddikulus___