We all have imperfections, NOBODY is perfect (not even Harry Styles - believe it or not!;)) and for some it's these areas of ourselves that we constantly feel embarressed, paranoid or anxious about.
People are always drumming into us that we need to feel confident about ourselves and love our image no matter how we look, what clothe size we are, or generally what others think about us, but as most people realise, this is not as easily said than done.
For me, I could easily sit down and write a lengthy list on all the things I don't like about myself and then be stuck onto what I actually like about myself, which is really quite sad and in some ways very wrong. Society these days is very much pushed towards 'good-looking' people and what they think people like and find attractive. The truth is, everybodies opinion on what is attractive and what isent is very different. If it wasent, everybody would look the same, and life would be extremely boring!
Personally I have one area of my body which I have never felt comfortable with for as long as I can remember. I feel constantly self-conscious about it every single day and always have a thought in the back of my mind that 'everybody is staring at me,' (when really the truth is they probably have much better things to be doing than looking at me!) and sometimes it does get me quite down.
Unfortunately for me this area I am so conscious about is smack-bang in the centre of my face - my nose - so theres no hiding it really! I have what is known as a 'Roman nose' (so I've been told anyway..) meaning it has a quite obvious bump right in the middle on the bridge. From face on it's not really that noticeable but my side profile makes it extremely obvious and I have had a lot of people through school and at work etc asking me 'were you born like that or did you break it?' which doesn't give my self-confidence much of a boost but as much as it embarresses me to answer I always give the same 'I was born like it!' I always try and answer in a light hearty tone as if to imply that I couldn't care less what they thought, (even if it does hurt inside that people do really notice and my constant of fear of 'people are staring at it' is actually true) and sometimes it does work as I never hear that same person mention anything about it to me again.
I believe everybody has an area they hate about themselves whether its a part of their body, their weight, freckles, skin, or any type of blemish or 'imperfection' as they become to be called even if you can't physically see what it may be, theres always something and nobody is alone in these feelings they have about themselves.
If like me you have a physical thing you hate then this can be quite a lot harder to be confident and happy with as its not something you can just change overnight or get medicine to help cure. It's a part of you and who you are. I have been told a many of times that theres nothing wrong with my nose and I don't need a nose job or even 'you wouldn't be you without that nose' but none of these things ever made me feel any better about myself, the only thing I find that makes me feel confident and happy with myself is the days I wake up, look in the mirror and just smile at who I am and be happy with all the other areas of myself which I never have anytime to appreciate because I am too busy worrying about my nose. This doesn't make you vain to point out your perfections and say outloud that you think you look pretty today, it's all part of making you who you are and not letting your perfect imperfections get you down.
So instead of thinking 'I have a huge ugly nose' I have become to think 'I do have a big ugly nose, but my eyes look amazing today - and my hair looks great too!'
For me this works and It has helped to stop me worrying, even though the constant self-conscious side of me is still there, everytime I feel like somebodies staring at me I'll just think 'it's probably because my hair looks great!'
I don't know if anybody really reads my blog posts, but if you are and you have something you know you hate about yourself, comment below with what it is followed by something you love about yourself, just like I did above and just see how good it feels.
In the famous words of Taylor Swift 'SHAKE IT OFF!'
Where to find me -
Instagram - @photosbymolly_
Personal Instagram - @mmollaayy
Twitter - @molly_0301
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