Loving and being happy within yourself seems to be something that gets harder as years go on.
Society tells us how we should look, what we should wear and how 'skinny' or flat our bodies should be, all the while protesting that we should love ourselves just how we are, makes sense?
Not really.
I have struggled with this myself for a while, and I long for the time when I was younger and didn't worry about what I looked like or what even I should be wearing, but then back then I also had no sense of style...and nobody wants to go back to that aha.
I'm not here to use this post space to talk about how the world needs changing (I'd be here for the rest of my life) but more to share how I've personally started to overcome fears, become myself and completely love it and benefit from it.
Point Out The Good Bits,
I never really subconsciously decided I wanted to change anything that drastically, I just knew and I think everybody does when something in your life needs to be different in order to make you happy.
With maturity and growing up becomes your outlook on life growing with you and your opinions and views changing also.
I found myself channeling this onto views on myself rather than the rest of the world or things going on around me.
So for example, I've taken time out to - literally - look at myself in the mirror and point out things I like about myself - on down days this can completely change the way you see the rest of the day and make it a much more positive one.
Even small simple things like, 'my hair looks great' or 'that shade of eye shadow really suits my eye colour' can transform your day.
Think Positively & Spread The Love,
Whether this is when looking in the mirror, trying on a new outfit or just generally, filling your head with positive thoughts makes such a difference!
Doing this myself I feel like has made me a happier person completely.
Rather than seeing a situation one way - the negative way - I've changed it round to make it positive, and not just with things about myself but general day to day happenings.
For example if I were to have a falling out with a friend or my sister etc rather than sitting and stewing in 'what a bitch' thoughts (we all do it lets be honest hehe) I try to think 'they're probably having a bad day and feeling like rubbish and I've caught them at the wrong time.' Simple things like that not only calms a situation but I find just clears your head and keeps negative thoughts at bay.
Thinking this way about yourself and your image can be more difficult. Nowadays you can't compliment yourself in front of others without being accused of being 'vain' or 'up yourself' but I feel theres a fine line between what makes you arrogant and what makes you self-confident.
I have always had a real complex with my nose. It's bumpy and big in the middle which looks fine from straight on, but not so nice from a side angle. The self-consciousness that comes with having my nose isn't great, and its been a big (excuse the pun) part of my life for as long as I can remember. But more recently I'm starting to think - who really cares?
I've seen plenty of other people in my life with a nose the same shape as mine and I think it's suited them, and I'm certain more than anything that even people with the perfect little button noses are self-conscious of something else on their own body. We all have things we're not happy with so don't take time out of your day to point out someone elses, instead find something you like about that person - and tell them! If someone were to tell you your eye colour was amazing it would make your day right? Pass on the love peeps.
Wear What YOU Want & Do What YOU Want,
This for me was and still is so important.
I wouldn't say I'm at a stage where I am completely confident within my self but one of the best ways to get there, and the one I have found the most helpful is doing exactly what you want to do and wear what ever the hell you want!
You love black? Wear all black!
Mixing patterns is your thing? DO IT.
How can you be happy within yourself if you can't even be yourself?
I was always one to wear what I thought other people would think looked nice rather than exactly what I wanted. Yet within the past year or so I've thrown that out the window and started buying clothes in the style I like, and what I think I look nice in. The best example being glasses. I've always wanted them, think I look good in them but don't need them. So went online and purchased a pair of fake ones, because why the hell not? They make some outfits look even better, and even though I've had people - who know they're fake - telling me it's silly, that makes me want to wear them even more.
Some days I want to look cute in a pink jumper, mom jeans and converse. Whereas others I'm feeling A bit badass, so black jeans, chunky black boots, a turtle neck top and bomber jacket it is!
You don't need to categorize yourself into a box labelled with what you think your style is. Why stick to one style when theres hundreds of different ones out there?! Fill your wardrobe with every colour under the sun and do what you want with it.
Theres no better feeling in this world than putting together your own outfit, feeling confident and receiving compliment after compliment. You could be wearing the ugliest effing skirt someone has ever seen (Regina George perhaps?) but if you're wearing it in a way you like and wearing it with confidence, who on earth is going to have the courage to put you down? And if they do? Turn into something positive 'she probably wishes she could pull it off as well as I am.'
I want to finish this post with listing three things I like about myself and it would be great if this post has inspired you to try out a few positive thinking techniques or even going out and buying that piece of clothing you've been unsure about for days to also comment below three things about yourself you like.
And if you think the person who commented above you has a great blog or latest post - go over to them and let them know.
Spread the love, think positive and love who you are - you'll feel a difference.
o I love how thick my hair is and although it can be a pain to style - I am grateful for how healthy it always looks.
o I like the colour of my eyes! They are very blue and when the light shines on them they look even bluer.
o I love when I wear high necked jumpers and tops. I feel like they suit me a lot and compliment my body shape :)
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