Wednesday, 11 January 2017

Seeing The Cursed Child Play - London

Calling all Harry Potter fans!!
If you're not a HP fan but enjoy looking at pleasing pictures of London city then stick around...but heads up this is a full on nerd-out session.

Four words,
Blog post done!

Ha, no but in all seriousness this play is utterly brilliant and an absolute must-see.
I bought the tickets for me and my boyfriend over a year ago after sitting in the queue online watching my place of 12,000 get nearer and nearer to the front.
(I eventually had to leave my laptop and go to work - leaving my Mum at home with my debit card and strict instructions not to look away in case she missed the slot - bless her).
After receiving a text from my Mum at work telling me she'd managed to get tickets, the wait started for January 2017 to come around - and it was SO worth it.

I was super paranoid about turning up late as I had got an email stating very severely that late-comers are not allowed in (understandably) so I dragged my boyfriend out of bed at 5:30am and we were on the road by 6am.
We live about 3-4 hours away from London and the first part of the play didn't start until 2pm, but it's always better to be early..right? Even if we did turn up a total of 3 hours early haha.
But this gave us plenty of time to find the car parking space we'd reserved (yes, I was THAT organised), get the tickets from the Box Office and take a cute photo in front of the theatre - plus as it was smack bang in the centre of London we were brave and decided to have a little look around the city as well.

London for me has turned from being one of the scariest places to visit and even think about walking around and visiting to being the prettiest and most amazing city I've ever been too.
We didn't get too look around too much or for too long as we had to be back to queue to get into the theatre but what we did get to see has got me so excited to be going back in February for my birthday!
All the buildings still have that old fashioned style to them and the streets are crammed full of theatres and high end shops and more affordable shops.
We took a little trip to Oxford Street too and nipped into Primark (would be rude not too right!?) and it was HUGE and definitely the best one I have been in. 

The theatre itself was breath taking. 
Inside it was grand and still had a traditional feel.
The stair case leading to the different levels was huge, and once inside the actual stage room all the seats were red velvet and the walls and stands golden and just so pretty.

Harry Potter is well known for its detail in each film and the way every tiny little thing is thought of - and this was the same for the play too.
I can't say much as you are told to 'Keep The Secrets' once watching the play so it's not spoiled for anybody else, which I think is an amazing idea and theres so many 'how did they do that!' moments during the play that it definitely would not be the same if you went in knowing what to expect. 
But if you have tickets already or are planning on trying to get some, (check out the HP play Twitter page as they do release forty tickets on a Friday I think it is as it has now completely sold out) make sure you look at even the walls of the stage room as you wouldn't believe the detail and effort that has been put in to make the experience truly memorable. (Tip - be SURE to take extra care in looking at the gift shop between Parts 1 and 2, there may be a few changes you won't want too miss).

All in all the whole couple of days of travelling up to London, seeing the city and the play, watching the actors and being blown away with the quality of their acting (Anthony Boyle that played Scorpius Malfoy was particularly amazing) and something I'll never forget - to be honest the play was last week and I still can't stop thinking about it haha.

I'm assuming this play will be in the theatre for a few years yet and I'm desperate to go again if I can, but all you fellow Harry Potter fans out there you MUST see this.
It will honestly blow your mind.


P.S whilst sat in the theatre waiting for Part 2 to start I tweeted JK Rowling and during the interval as I was queuing for the toilets a notification popped up to say she had liked my tweet!

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Where else to find me - 

Twitter - @daffodilsdaisys
Instagram - @riddikulus___
Photography Instagram - @captured_by_molly

Photography page - Facebook 'Captured by Molly' 

Monday, 2 January 2017

Welcoming 2017 Positively (and ill)

Happy New Year!

I have never been a 'new year new me' person, and kind of find that sort of thing a bit corny. I genuinely cringe scrolling through Facebook looking at status after status all saying the same sort of new year things.
Don't get me wrong - I'm all for people trying new things and changing parts of their life that they want too - go for it! Just less of the Facebook status please ;)

I've welcomed 2017 drinking Lemsip, getting through a box of tissues a day blowing my nose and generally sat in bed feeling ill and sorry for myself.  
Not the best start - especially as I'm heading for London on Wednesday for The Cursed Child Harry Potter sequel play! I managed to get tickets for it over a year ago after being late for work whilst I sat number 12000 in the queue online, and now the wait is almost over - I'M ILL.
Thanks life. Thankyouuuuu.

So despite this bit of a crappy start to the year I'm actually feeling pretty refreshed and ready for anything.
Like I said I'm not one to change things every year and neither do I think I have to (you won't see me getting a gym membership believe me, haha).
I really want 2017 to be the year that I do - or at least try my best to do - all the things I say I'll 'get round to doing.' 
I want less things to be thoughts and wishes and start being things that I've done. 

Starting a bit more extreme, my boyfriend and I this week are booking ourselves a holiday to Iceland!
We've always wanted to visit and are always looking at pictures online and places to stay etc and after a couple of trips to different travel agents, we've picked the best deal and are going into town to book it.
Last year for his 21st I bought my boyfriend a GoPro and we've made it our little goal to get as many selfies as we can on it with different views in the background as we can to have up on a wall when we have our own house. We have already taken a little trip to Dartmoor and climbed up Haytor (see below) but just IMAGINE the ones we could get in Iceland! Ahhh.

We also would like to go for a weekend away nearer the end of the year to Scotland as I've never been but would like too to see the Harry Potter film locations - of course - and Edinburgh just looks so pretty!
Anybody been and can recommend any must see places??

On the smaller side I've been spending my time in bed ill to do a little social media clean.
Followers are not the most important thing, but I definitely always used to think they were so with the help of a few apps I've been going through my Instagram and unfollowing spam accounts and any people that aren't returning follows, plus things that I'm just not interested in anymore.
Not necessarily people as that's a little harsh but you know those accounts I mean 'click this link for more followers' blah blah blah.
I would much rather loose a few followers but enjoy what I'm seeing when I scroll rather than a lot of adverts and virus links.
P.S leave your Instagram handles below in the comments and I'll be sure to follow.

Cleaning and organising hasn't just been happening virtually, I've also been trying my best to go through all the bits and bobs 'I might someday use' or 'I'll probably wear that' and giving them to charity to putting them online to sell. 
I'm currently out of a job for a couple of months so I wanted a little more cash to take with me on days out etc and so far it's not only de-cluttering my wardrobe and bedroom but has also made me over £100 already! 
The secret is to find a lot of nice quality things to sell - but price it all reasonably. That way it's more likely to sell, so you're getting rid of more plus making yourself some money and small amounts soon add up. I definitely recommend giving this a go if you have a lot of clothing you never wear or things you never use. 

Theres definitely a lot to look forward to this year - starting with my 21st birthday at the end of January when I'm taking a trip to London for the weekend to visit all the famous sights, I meaaan I live in England and have never ever visited the capital of my own country?! I'll be sure to take a few blog photos and I'll for sure be Instagramming the weekend so keep an eye out on both.

I hope you all are having the best start to the year and have or have already made plans for things you really want to do.
I can't wait to read all your posts throughout the year on what you've been up to.


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Where else to find me - 

Twitter - @daffodilsdaisys
Instagram - @riddikulus___
Photography Instagram - @captured_by_molly
Photography page - Facebook 'Captured by Molly'