Wednesday, 31 August 2016


It feels weird to be sat down blogging.
It's peak season in the UK at the moment and my job has been going mental (I work at a theme park) and taking over my life - along with a cute little weekend away for my boyfriends 21st birthday (blog post to come) everything has just been crazy - and today is my first day off in nine days so I'm totally making the most of it by sorting out my wardrobe - done! and sitting down and catching up on my neglected blog.

I love you blog, please forgive me.

Right now I'm super cosy on the sofa whilst it rains outside and its the peerrrrrrfect blogging situation (anyone else with me on that one?), so I'm thinking a nice little updated 50 facts post to kick start my blog again?
Although I've been pretty inactive I've still noticed my reads and views going up and even some of my really old posts have been read recently (crriiinnggeeee) and my followers on Twitter have gone crazy! I'm now less than 100 away from 2000 which is insane and I appreciate it a lot and love every single one of you.
Especially those that actually reply to my tweets and send me GIFs in reply to my Autumn/Christmas excitement hehe.
Soooo heres some - hopefully - interesting facts for those of you that are new here to learn a bit about me if you would like to, or if you've been here before and are just plain nosey (I feel ya - I love finding out the goss) I hope you find something to laugh at or find mildly interesting anyway...aha

1. I love Harry Potter A LOT.
Infact a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot.

I am Dumbledore when I see something HP related.

2. I hate the Summer - for me its the worst time of the year.

3. But on the other hand - Autumn/Winter is my absolute FAVOURITE. I love it love it love it. The minute August ends its practically Christmas...right!?

4. I currently work in a theme park in the photography department and also helping out operating the rollarcoasters etc. (and yes, before I'm asked for the MILLIONTH TIME we do go on the rides before and after hours sometimes hahahaa)

5. I had my first kiss when I was 16 years old. It was super awks and brief in the spare bedroom of his house...with the door open aha but kinda cute.

6. And he was also my first boyfriend - and we are still together to the day! He turned 21 last week and I'm 20 :)

7. I used to have an unhealthy obsession One Direction...yes I was one of those weird crazy fangirls.

8. The first time I went to see One Direction I cried through the entire thing CRINNGEEE.

9. When I was 17 I got a tattoo on my left leg of a Giraffe...and I've never really been too sure why.

10. I went to a New Years Eve fancy dress party whilst in school and wore a onesie - only to turn up and realise it wasn't actually fancy dress.

11. My bedroom is my favourite placed to be and I love to decorate it seasonally - it's like a little grotto at Christmas time hehe.

12. Nobody really knows about my blog apart from me and my boyfriend. I kind of like it being a secret really.

13. I studied animal care for two years at college and it was one of the best times I've ever had :)

14. I like to do photography in my spare time - but hate people seeing my photos before they are completely edited and finished. I have an Instagram account for my photos (cheeky bit of self-promo) @captured_by_Molly

15. Watching YouTubers is like a guilty pleasure of mine. Especially Vlogs - probably because I'm nosey and love seeing how people live their lives, haha

16. My favs to watch are Gabriella Lindley (@Velvetgh0st), Alfie Deyes (@Pointlessblog) and obvs the Queen of YouTube Zoe Sugg (@Zoella). I also watch a few others inbetween but these are my go-toos.

17. I can't read 24 hour clocks.

18. I used to be an Assistant Manager for an American themed restaurant and it was the most stressful couple of years of my life and I hated it.

19. I passed my driving test third time after learning for over a year.

20. My first car was a bright red Vauxhall Corsa which I named Ron.

21. Ron died after a year after driving him all the way to Cardiff with a full car for a concert and his brakes stopped working the next day - whilst I was driving it which was one of the scariest things ever.

22. I now have a white Fiat 500 called Felicity which I love very much.

23. I have size 8 feet.

24. I have a roman nose which means it has a bump on the bridge which I hate but yanooo thats life and unless I can save up £3000 for a nose job - theres not much I can do so I've learnt just to go with it - work it gurrrrl.

25. I've recently started wearing more of what I like to wear rather than what I think others will think looks better on me, as I'm trying to become more of a confident person in myself. I'm all about that mustard yellow, big knitted cardigans and tops tucked into skirts and jeans - woo yeah.

26. For years I've wanted glasses but never needed them which is kinda annoying - but also kinda good as it means my eye sight is top notch.

27. The 1975 are my FAAAVS. 

28. And two of my favourite songs from their albums are Chocolate and The Sound :)

29. Instagram is my favourite social media and I update it all the time - I'm all about that seasonal theme ;)

30. I have a grand total of 16 pillows and cushions on my bed which all get stacked on the floor during the night and put back on in a particular way in the morning.

31. I also have 12 plants in my bedroom.

32. I do this thing where I find a new song that I love and then listen to it constantly for about a month and then end up hating it, it's sooooo annoying.

33. I have my own dog called Dudley - he's a Springer Spaniel crossed with a Labrador and I love him lots hehe.

34. I think Taylor Swift, Emma Watson and Nicole Scherzinger and three of the best looking women I ever did see. 

35. I have one of the most annoying laughs you'll ever hear. 

36. In my life time - my bum has got more compliments than my face.

37. One of my favourite things in life are cute things, I just love cute so much. Especially things that have faces that normally wouldn't like clouds and fruit - aw.

38. When I was little VERY little may I add - I used to suck my own toes hahahahahahaaha

39. I get bored of my hair very quickly and am always having it cut a different length or dyed a different shade of brown (I used to be blonde - but I'll never go back to that!)

40. As you can probably tell from my previous blog posts - I ramble a lot when writing and my teachers at school used to tell me off for writing so much in essays as I would literally hand in pages and pages of work - whoopsie.


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Where else to find me - 

Twitter - @daffodilsdaisys

Instagram - @riddikulus___