Sunday, 24 January 2016

Whats In My Winter Holiday Wash-Bag?

This year for my birthday (my 20th may I just add, how scary and adult-like ahhh) me and my boyfriend have decided to have a 5 day winter break away in a log cabin a forest.
Not another person or WiFi in sight!

I'm super excited as we've never been away just the two of us before, and I have always wanted to stay in a little cosy wood cabin - especially in the Winter when its all cold outside and you can just sit inside and be warm, eeeek.

When packing my wash-bag for the week I tried to fit in as many moisturising products as possible as the area we are going too is extremely cold, so it's important to try and keep my skin from going dry and horrible.

Firstly, this is my wash bag.
I LOVE it! I bought it new this year especially for my holiday.
It's by Ted Baker and was on sale in Boots for £6. 
I think it's supposed to be a men's bag but I just loved the shape, size and design of it.
It's quite wide and deep, so perfect for fitting in lots of little products for a short break.

I love Body Shop products.
I rarely use them though so it's a nice treat to when I can.
I got these two for Christmas, although they don't really have a scent, they still have a nice fresh and clean smell to them.
The body butter on the left I would mainly use for moisturising my legs and arms after a shower, we also have a private hot tub at the cabin so this would also be nice to put on after getting out if I wasn't going to be having a shower straight away.
The body whip on the right is the perfect size to carry around in my handbag for daily moisturising. It can be put anywhere on your body including your face so it is a nice product to dab in extremely dry places such as around your nose or forehead areas.

My lips get really affected in cold weather and start to chap very easily so these two lip balms are my essentials for this Winter break. 
The blue one one on the left is clear and the Soft Rose on the right gives a healthy and natural pink glow to your lips. Personally I prefer the pink shaded one as it just gives your lips a bit if life into them when out and about in the cold. I will definitely be keeping one of these two in my pocket at all times!

Simple products are my ultimate go-too.
The face wash on the left can be used daily and I prefer to use this after I have taken my makeup off in the evening before bed. I use Simple makeup wipes to take off my makeup and then use this face wash afterwards just to get any foundation off of my skin and ensure it is all gone. I then use the eye cream at the bottom on the areas under and around my eyes where they may be blemishes or signs of bags, this just helps to give your eyes a re-fresh after the day and keep them moisturised during the night.
The illuminating cream on the right is my newest Simple product. I use this in the morning after I have washed off my night cream to give my skin a healthy and fresh look. It contains a small amount of sparkle which looks lovely under makeup when the light catches.
For the mornings I also use the eye roller ball in the middle for the bags under my eyes. It's quite cold when first using but also has a thin consistency (a lot thinner than the cream version) which is why I choose to use this in the morning rather than the cream as it makes putting makeup over the top a lot easier.

(Makeup wipes mentioned above)

I have been using this night cream for a while now and completely love it. A little of this goes along way so the product itself lasts a long time. It helps to keep my skin moisturised and healthy during the night and I rub this into my skin after I have washed my face using the Simple face wash above. I avoid putting this under my eyes otherwise the eye cream (above) cannot properly soak into the areas I want it to, if there is already cream there.
I always wake up with my face feeling soft and healthy when I have put this on the night before, but usually have to use a damp flannel to wipe my face before putting my morning cream on (above) just to get off any cream that may not have soaked in during the night.

I received these products for Christmas and am yet to use them so far so have decided to take them away on holiday with me. They smell lovely and are very scented with a clean and refreshing smell. The hand cream in the middle is an absolute essential.
I take hand cream with me where ever I go during the colder months as my hands start to feel like sand paper the minute they hit the cold air and I hate it! (anyone else with me on this one??).
I have also heard good things about Baylis & Harding products so I'm excited to try these!

Minus hair products this is everything I am taking with me in my wash bag for our little 5 day break and I am soooo excited.
I'll be sure to do a little holiday post once I'm home (and 20 years old ahhh).


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Where else to find me - 

Twitter - @mloggee

Personal Instagram - @riddikulus___

Saturday, 16 January 2016


Confidence I find such a strange and confusing word, not the word itself but more of the concept and meaning behind it.

It can be a wonderful and powerful thing as some people are glowing and bursting with self-confidence and its often wonderful to be around someone with this positive attitude as it can bounce from them and instantly make you feel more confident in yourself.

It can also be exciting and creative, so finding the confidence to try out new clothes and outfits that you may not usually wear. Or just simply going into Superdrug and purchasing different and new makeup products in colours and shades you've seen other people pull-off and want to try for yourself.

Confidence can also take a different turn and stop people from wanting to do things they want, or even leave the house on bad days. It can completely ruin the way people see themselves and also how they see others.
Bad self-confidence can lead to comparing - comparing the way you look to the way somebody else looks in all areas, makeup, facial features, shape, size weight, hair, skin, clothing - everything, eventually making you feel completely and utterly rubbish about yourself.

Personally I envy people who can relate to being confident and comfortable in situations without feeling paranoid and self-conscious. I am unfortunately a sufferer of bad self-confidence to a point where leaving the house and being in social situations becomes a distant thought and not something to be dwelled on.

It's a hard and complicated feeling to explain and I think a lot of confident people would find it hard to understand (yet I also believe that being over confident can be a way of dealing with being self-conscious in some people), and only recently have I started to properly start to think about the way I feel about myself everyday and how much it affects my life on a daily basis, and the accidental habit it has become to judge myself against others and against myself in the mirror each morning.
People are all different and the reasons and situations they become self-conscious and anxious in is different for all, for me it is always in the back of my mind what other people are thinking of me, and what I look like to them.

Does my hair look okay? Is it greasy or flat?
Is my makeup okay? Does this new shade of foundation suit my skin?
Do I look orange? or too pale?
I forgot to curl my eyelashes - now I'm going to look weird and everyone will notice.
I knew I shouldn't have worn this new eyeshadow colour - everyone thinks it looks stupid I know it.
Why did I choose to wear these jeans this morning, my thighs look huge.
This top makes me look fat.
I'm walking weird, people are laughing at me.
These shoes don't go with my outfit and everyone has noticed.
What if the zip on my trousers is undone, but I can't check because then I'm drawing attention to it.
What if someone I know sees me and thinks I look ugly?

But why do we do it?
Why does our brain think it's okay to make ourselves feel rubbish about ourselves?

My lack of self-confidence stems entirely from my huge complex over my nose.
I have whats called a 'Roman Nose' so rather than my nose being flat or curved in the middle it bumps outwards at one section right in the centre (Google image Roman Nose). Looking straight on at my face its unnoticeable but from a side view it's the first thing you see (well so I assume when people look at me anyway). 
Over a few years I have tried many methods of drawing attention away from my nose, wearing bright coloured lipstick/gloss, avoiding standing next to people I talk too, wearing high necked brightly coloured scarves, etc etc etc, but when it comes down to it, nothing other than surgery is going to change the way I look. 
It's something I have seriously looked into and spoken to my parents about (who said no before I had even finished the words 'nose job'), as reality always hits me and I realise that my nose is going to be this way and having surgery is literally the only option - not that will ever probably happen.
Having a feature on yourself that triggers anxiety and being self-conscious is a difficult situation, especially when its smack-bang in the middle of your face and not really something that can be covered up (no matter how hard I may try...).
Does anybody else know what I mean?

My solution for the time being is getting glasses as my opticians has found a small minor reason for me to have them, and I'm crossing all fingers, toes, arms and legs that I will end up with a pair to lesson the obvious bump from a side profile on my face. 
It sounds like a ridiculous thing to be excited about, but it could potentially change my life and the way I feel and think when going out everyday - imagine not having to worry about my nose.
Knowing me, I'd start worrying about the way I look in glasses!

I had originally planned a 'Natural Everyday Makeup Routine' blog post and spent a whole afternoon doing my makeup and taking the photos for it, but once I started uploading the photos I couldn't bring up the courage to post a photo of myself on this blog without any makeup on and looking completely natural and exposed to the camera so I guess this post explains why. 
I know there are many many other people who will read this post and know exactly where I'm coming from and can relate to me which in a selfish kind of way actually comforts me slightly - it's always nice to know you're not on the only one I guess!

I'm not really how to end this post, as I never really planned on writing it. I turned on my laptop to play Sims for a bit but ended up here to let out some thoughts, but that's what having a blog that nobody knows about is all about, right?


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Where else to find me - 

Twitter - @mloggee

Personal Instagram - @riddikulus___