Tuesday, 27 December 2016

Looking Back on 2016 - The Good & The Bad

2016 has flown by quicker than any other year I can remember.
It seems like only yesterday I was waiting up until midnight to see 2015 into the next year, and now it's almost time to do it all again!

I've never done a 'look back' post before but I feel like during this year a lot has happened and changed - it's been a bit of an eventful year for the better and the worse but everything happens for a reason right?

Peaceful little forest gettaway
The year started off lovely with myself and my boyfriend going away on holiday for the first time together just the two of us.
We decided to stay in the UK as travelling abroad was a bit too expensive for us so we found a cute little forest tree house gettaway - hot tub included - in Cornwall which suited us perfectly and we had the best time.
I'd recommend these holidays to anyone family or couples looking for a quiet short holiday - they're perfect to get away from normal busy lifestyles! (Plus there is optional WiFi if you don't want to feel TOO isolated ;) ).
We also went on another little break to York later on in the year but this time stayed in a cute little cottage, it was lovely and just the little break we needed before the stress of Christmas started.

Alan Rickman
The passing away of Alan Rickman was a horrible shock as being a Harry Potter fan he has been a part of my childhood for many years. He will always be one of the best actors I've known of and made the best Severus Snape any HP fanatic could ask for.

Cutting my hair
After leaving my hair to grow for about 2 years, I decided shortly after coming back from our forest break to go for the chop!
It took a lot of decision making and googling styles before I let my sister (an ex hairdresser) loose with the scissors. But I'm SO glad I - eventually - decided to do it.
Yes my hair was long but it was in such a bad condition and always getting in the way so the majority of it ended up cut and hoovered up off the carpet! woohoo!

Attempting to be more adventurous
At the beginning of the year I made a little list of things I'd like to achieve in 2016 one being to try more adventurous things.
So what a better way to do so than going to Go Ape!
For anyone that doesn't know Go Ape is an up in the trees obstacle course, and the day consists of being trained how to use the correct equipment and then being let loose on your own to get through the course - ending in a huge zip wire.
It was an AMAZING experience and although my heart was in my mouth the entire time I'm so glad I did it - the adrenaline and feeling of finishing the course (without falling hundreds of foot) was great!! Definitely give this a go if you're looking for something a bit different to do with friends - click here to take a look :)

Expanding my photography
Taking photos has always been something I love to do including the editing that goes behind it, but I've always been quite conscious of people looking at them so kind of always kept them for family and friends to view. But this year after a couple of friends encouragement I decided to make an Instagram page and then eventually a Facebook page to promote my photos.
Both pages have had great feedback and everyone has been SO supportive - it's lovely.
One of my goals for next year is so definitely try and expand both these pages a bit more and produce a lot more photos to put on them. (click below to access both pages if you like!)

Quitting my job & realising money isn't everything!
For me this is one of my best achievements this year. I finally quit a job that I'd been working in for over 2 years and didn't enjoy anymore. The hours were horrible meaning couldn't have a proper sleeping pattern and I left every shift feeling stressed and worn out.
So once enough was enough I handed in my notice and left.
Since then I've had 2 jobs neither of which pay as well as my other job but I have felt happier in myself for having nicer jobs that I enjoy more. And although I'm still in a bit of a loose end in my career and job wise I'm still looking for something I want to make a career out of but I'm happy and family and friends have noticed that about me as well as myself.
Money is always at the back of my mind as I have a car loan to pay off but that's one thing to worry about rather than waking up every morning and going to job I don't enjoy - and I know which one I'd rather have.
Money IS NOT everything - happiness should ALWAYS come first.

Becoming myself more
If 2016 has taught me anything, it's that being yourself is one of the things everyone is good at, and if you're not sure who that is yet - theres time and there always will be time.
I used to think that I should be what other people want me to be and wear what I think other people people will think I look nice in, but since turning 20 (not old but feels SO OLD to me haha) I've realised that screw it! If I want to walk around wearing something that my close friend or family member doesn't like - who cares! Wear what you want and do your makeup how you like - if it's making you happy that who else really matters?
I've always always wanted glasses even as a child but am lucky enough to not need any medically so purchased some fake ones online - and I love them! Although my sister thinks I'm crazy, I love wearing them and they definitely complete some outfits. 
Wearing and doing things I want to do has also made me think more positively about myself and I've noticed now more than ever I'm cringing less and less of photos of myself and just generally feeling more confident and happy in my own skin.
Thinking like this about myself has also made me realise that other people can also do and wear what they like.
I used to look weirdly at people with bright blue hair or piercings all over their face but now I think 'wow they really pull that off' or 'they are so brave expressing their personalities that way' it's honestly made me a more positive person and I look at life a little differently and definitely in a positive way.

Blogging love
I've posted onto my blog more than ever this year, and even made a little change to the style and content I post.
I used to nearly always post about makeup and beauty products and never really felt that satisfied with it when pressed the publish button - and it started to become more of a 'oh yeah I better post onto my blog' rather than 'I'm excited to share this!' sort of thing.
So I tweeted about it and SO many of you gave me positive feedback that I went for it and I've had more reads than ever since changing my content slightly!
You've all been lovely and some of you leaving comments which I always love to read and reply too. Theres nothing better than spending ages on a post and then having a little comment pop up of someone saying how much they enjoyed reading it.
This year my Twitter linked to my blog also passed not only 2000 followers but recently 3000 as well! That's CRAZY INSANE. I LOVE tweeting and end up posting a tweet usually daily and I'm always getting replies or likes and it makes me so happy to see personally how supportive and lovely the blogging community is. 
You lot are the best - seriously.
My blog is still a secret to my friends and family at the moment but one of my goals for 2017 is to tell them because why should I be embarressed?!
I created this little space myself and everything about it - from the way it's laid out to what is posted is all down to me and I love that! And the same goes to every blogger out there. We're bossing it so be proud of that!
P.S I've also learnt that reads and blog views are not everything. If I'm happy with a post and it only gets 10 views and no comments, oh well! It's really not a big deal.

I hope you guys had a lovely Christmas and your New year is full of happiness and new starts in any parts of your life where you want it.

Keep bossin it, and see you next year!


P.S I feel like this will be one of those blog posts that I press publish and then realise I've left something out - aka the MOST annoying thing ever but if you've managed to read this far I'm impressed and I think if I'd written anymore I would have needed to apply to publish it into a book aha. X

<a href="http://www.bloglovin.com/blog/14375113/?claim=tfbmh23c5kr">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

Where else to find me - 

Twitter - @daffodilsdaisys
Instagram - @riddikulus___
Photography Instagram - @captured_by_molly
Photography page - Facebook 'Captured by Molly' 

Monday, 12 December 2016

Recreating Zoella's Hair

Okay, so maybe I should have titled this 'Attempting To Recreate Zoella's Hair' as I feel like I've succeed sort of, but we all know anybody could wear her hair style and never ever pull it off as well as her, but we can only try I suppose!

So I don't think I'm the only one when I say I've been loving the tight curls Zoe has been rocking recently, the volume is great and overall look is slightly vintage which I also love, and we've all been sat waiting for a tutorial video for the look right?! So far no such luck but she did mention briefly what curling tongs she used to make her hair in that sort of curl and there has been various time-lapses of her styling it in vlogs but nothing too tutorial-like.

SO I decided to try and take matters into my own hands but minus the curling tongs.
This is a personal preference simply because my hair is super super thick which makes curling a very long winded procedure which I would never have time for in the mornings and I usually end up getting frustrated because it ends up going extremely frizzy and I might as well just lick my fingers and stick them in an electric socket (...not recommended).

We've all heard of the plaiting your hair trick - that is exactly what this but theres a bit more a nack to it.
Firstly I wanted to make sure my hair was going to look not only curly but also clean and shiny so I applied a quick hair masque in the shower to condition and soften my hair.
After wards I brushed my hair with a wide toothed comb to release any knots and tangles and then wrapped it all up (minus the comb haha) on the top of my head tightly in a towel.
I left it like this for quite a while to towel dry my hair as much as possible and theeeeen let it all down and brushed it again with the same comb.

I then made sure my parting was in the right place and starting from my roots plaited my hair.
Now I wanted the same sort of volume as Zoe gets from her curls so made sure as much hair as possible was plaited from the top of my head all the way down.
The easiest way to do this I found was to gather small pieces of hair from the top and plait downwards taking more hair as I went - bit like a frenchplaitting.
It can take a while and I definitely found myself having to start some plaits again to get it right and you do end up looking a bit crazy at the end of it.
I had about six plaits by the end all of different thicknesses and sizes but I love that as it gives the end result look a look more natural.

Once you're done - sleep on it, wake up, take all the hair bands out, turn your head upside down, shake and you're done!!

Easy peasy and requires literally zero time to style in the morning.
And although yeah I get it it may not look as good as Zoe's but it's definitely a start and no heat is required which benefits my hair a lot :)

What hair styles are you loving recently?


<a href="http://www.bloglovin.com/blog/14375113/?claim=tfbmh23c5kr">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

Where else to find me - 

Twitter - @daffodilsdaisys
Instagram - @riddikulus___
Photography Instagram - @captured_by_molly
Photography page - Facebook 'Captured by Molly' 

Sunday, 4 December 2016

Christmas Party Anxiety

It's that time of the year - Christmas - and although its the best best best time of the year, it is also for some one of the scariest also.

Each week and around every corner are parties.
Work parties, friends parties, family parties - they're everywhere!

I've never ever been one to enjoy big social events and was always that one at school that would slide away from the conversation if a party was mentioned or conveniently 'be busy' if I was invited to one.

Now I'm older and grown up past the age of 'I'm not 18 yet so I can't come' excuse it becomes a lot harder to find a reason not to go to parties.

So I'm left with the option to just man up - put some makeup on, wear nice clothes and go out and try to enjoy myself.

Sounds easy - and sometimes it is and other times not so much, for me I suppose it depends on the company I'll have at the party and how many people I know.
I fear being left on my own and looking like the loner in the corner with no one to talk to - plus I also hate the initial 'beginning of the party' when you first walk in and everyone turns to greet you - I feel like that's the moment when everyone is fully looking and judging what you're wearing and what you look like.
Too dramatic?
Haha, it's a hard thing to explain and I'm sure a lot of you are reading this and thinking 'whaaaaaat?!' and others are nodding their heads like crazy understanding every word like little Churchills ;) 

My goal for this month isn't too push myself into doing what I don't want to do or don't feel comfortable with but I do want to try and say yes to a few Christmas parties - not to loose the 'boring one' status but more to show myself that I CAN do it and more to the point - not to give two hoots what others think I look like or they don't like what I'm wearing.
How I will do that exactly I haven't quite worked out yet.

It won't be easy but neither is learning to backflip and loads of people can do that...right?!

What do you do in situations that make you nervous?


<a href="http://www.bloglovin.com/blog/14375113/?claim=tfbmh23c5kr">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

Where else to find me - 

Twitter - @daffodilsdaisys
Instagram - @riddikulus___
Photography Instagram - @captured_by_molly
Photography page - Facebook 'Captured by Molly' 

Friday, 25 November 2016

The Holidays Are Coming!

It's officially the 25th of November so just one month until Christmas Day, plus December starts in five days which means we can definitely start getting festive, singing Christmas songs and putting the decs up -  let's be honest though we've all been doing/wanting to do that since September right?
But at least now the Scrooge's of the world can't moan at us for getting excited too early, yay!

Recently my boyfriend and I had a festive little evening at our local city where the Coca Cola van was visiting (in the U.K it's like a little tradition that you know Christmas has begun when the Coca Cola advert featuring the lorry comes on the TV, so to be able to see it in real life is very exciting - maybe it's just a British thing!? Haha) and everything was so cute and lit up - I couldn't get enough of it! 

So what do you love most about the Christmas season? For me it's fairy lights, cosyness, knitted jumpers, fluffy socks, dark evening, cold and icey weather, Christmas Costa drinks, and the food (obviously). 


<a href="http://www.bloglovin.com/blog/14375113/?claim=tfbmh23c5kr">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

Where else to find me - 

Twitter - @daffodilsdaisys
Instagram - @riddikulus___
Photography Instagram - @captured_by_molly
Photography page - Facebook 'Captured by Molly' 

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

A Little Change

Blogging is a hobby I enjoy so so much, and the past two years have flown by at a scarely quick rate. 
When I first started blogging I didn't really have a clue what I was doing or what I wanted to write about and basically just posted whatever was on my mind, or clothes I'd picked up from Primark - and although the content wasn't great or eye catching at all and each post from the first year makes me cringe horribly when I read them back now - they also make me smile. 
It was such a chilled out time - and I want to bring that vibe back - just with better photos, flatlays, and general content aha. 

So here I am, writing this from the Blogger app on my iPhone, pajamas on, in bed and a days worth of makeup and needs taking off - completely and utterly chilled. No photos need taking and no content needs planning - just me writing away to a blog and you reading this, and whether that's five of you or five hundred, I'm going to try and make audience size less important and the content I post more important and more personal to me and hopefully enjoyable for you guys of course ;)

The point to this post is that I want to change up my content a little and rather than going out shopping or buying a new piece of makeup and stressing over taking the perfect photo of it and making sure my post is perfect to show you all what I've been buying or trying, I would like to try blogging about day to day life, topics we can all have a chat about, and things going on in my life - something I can look back on in a few years time and remember what I was up to in my younger days - that's much more interesting than looking back and seeing what foundation I was using at 20 years old right? 
Of course I won't be cutting out beauty posts completely as I do enjoy reading and writing about new products as much as the next blogger, but I'm just taking a little step back from that and making a few little changes.

I hope you can all kind of get what I mean, and I haven't put you off ever clicking my blog links again haha - but trust me on this one - you might be pleasantly surprised! 

Also thanks to all you lovelies that replied to my tweets about changing up my blog - I appreciate all your replies and advice - little cuties.

Have you thought of changing up your content recently? 


Thursday, 3 November 2016

How To - Easy Autumnal Instagram Theme

Everyone here loves Instagram right?
Some more than others - and I'm definitely a BIG lover of all things insta and find 'themes' extremely pleasing to look at - especially those which are seasonal related.

Recently I've been taking a lot of autumnal photos when I'm out and about and uploading them to Instagram and my page has never looked more cosy - I love it!


And whats even better is I've found a lovely quick and simple way to edit them to create the 'theme' which only includes the Instagram app itself and the tools provided - as personally I cannot be doing with uploading and editing on a number of different apps and THEN uploading to Instagram nah nah nah.
So heres a few simple steps on how to produce a quick and easy Autumnal looking Instagram:

o Taking the photo - 
When taking an Autumnal photo I always try and get as much colour into it as possible by keeping it light and bright.
I take pretty much all my Instagrams on my iPhone 6 and make the photo lighter by tapping on the main subject in the photo.
I also try and position the camera so any dark areas are cut out as much as possible - although a little bit of darkness can be cosy so just find the right balance.

o Editing (my fav bit)
At the moment I'm just using the Instagram app on it's own to edit my photos as its soooo quick and super easy.
To make the colours pop in the photo I start by adding the filter 'Lark.' 
This instantly lightens the picture slightly and also gives it an orangey/yellow tinge - which is perfect for Autumn time!

Original Photo:

With Lark filter:

After applying the filter to the photo I also like to go into the 'edit' section and add or take away a little bit of brightness (normally adding), put the saturation up slightly - but not so much that it makes the photo look cartoony and unrealistic.
To make the photo extra cosy and bright I always use the 'warm' edit and put it up to between 80-100.

Photo completely edited with the following:
Lark 100
Brightness +5
Saturation +13
Warmth +100

Here's a few more examples of before and afters using the edits above (numbers of each edit vary on each photo - because it depends on what looks better for which photo :))

Hopefully this has given you some help on making your Insta look lovely, cosy and autumnal - yay!

Don't forget to leave your Instagram @'s below in the comments :)


<a href="http://www.bloglovin.com/blog/14375113/?claim=tfbmh23c5kr">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

Where else to find me - 

Twitter - @daffodilsdaisys

Instagram - @riddikulus___

Friday, 21 October 2016

Autumn Lookbook 2016


Autumn clothing is one of my favourite types, cosy jumpers, big coats, scarves and boots - whats not to love?!

The two outfits shown above show a little insight into what I love to wear during the Autumn - especially for a nice evening walk when it's cold and crisp!
I have listed the items below if you would like to see where I got them from - just give the one you like a little click on the list :)
- Side note - 
A lot of these clothes are no longer sold so I've tried to find similar items.

I hope you enjoyed this style of post - my first ever Lookbook!
And a big thanks to my boyfriend for taking all the photos for me.

Look one - 

o Backpack (OOS in silver)
o Mustard Jumper (similar)
o Boots (similiar)

Look two - 

o Coat (Similar)
o Black Jeggings (similar)
o Boots (similar)


<a href="http://www.bloglovin.com/blog/14375113/?claim=tfbmh23c5kr">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

Where else to find me - 

Twitter - @daffodilsdaisys

Instagram - @riddikulus___