Friday, 7 August 2015

How I clean my makeup brushes

Good afternoon everybody!
Look at me on a roll with my blog recently. I'm actually loving blogging so much at the moment, its such a lovely little getaway from everyday life and working nine shifts in a row......(not cool).

I ended my previous blog saying that you may not see me very active here for a while because I'm working A LOT this week and then going ON HOLIIDAAAAY (excited faces all round!) next Saturday so I won't really have a lot of free time as I'll be packing and sorting last minute holiday bits and bobs before next week, but here I am anyway! Aren't you lucky little things ;)

I have a free morning today and my make up brushes are in need of a major cleaning session so I thought I'd show all of you how I go about it just as everyone has their own ways of doing it.

Firstly I'd like to say how important it is to give all your makeup brushes a wash every now and then, its actually disgusting how much bacteria and horrible things they catch on their heads and then you wipe all that over your face everyday, bleurrgh. I actually only found out how manky they can get a long time after I bought my first makeup brush (I only ever used to use one brush but now I use a lot more so THANK GOD I found out about washing them before) and cleaned it as soon as I realised the sorts of bacteria I could be putting all over my face. Having a dirty brush also causes a dirty face and then lead to spots which you use makeup and brushes to cover up and its just a vicious circle...

So these are all my brushes...

Looking as dirty as ever!
I don't use a wide variety and I'm pretty sure I don't use them for all the proper job anyway!

I start off by making this little setup,

Please excuse the Extra chewing gum...

I all my brushes laid out on an old flannel and then two tubs of water one or cleaning the brushes and one for rinsing them off.

I then place all the brushes into the 'cleaning tub' just to get some of the worst of the makeup off of them.

I then use my shampoo to clean the brushes. I am currently using the TRESemme deep cleansing shampoo as I find this is perfect for my ober thick hair and also is great for cleaning my brushes and making them smell lovely too.

I squirt a small amount of the shampoo onto my hand and then take a brush and swirl it around in the shampoo making small circles on the palm of my hand. Above you can see the old foundation that has come off of my brush onto my hand, it is quite messy work but the end result is worth it and it all washes off easily anyway.

Once the shampoo has got right into and between the bristles of the brush I rinse it off in the cleaning tub again, as you can see by the colour of the water this really gets all of the old foundation off the brush. I swirl the brush around in this water as well until I feel all the foundation has come off.

Think how much foundation and concealer we are wasting in this water, because most of it gets stuck in the brushes! boooo :(

This is the colour of the water after cleaning ONE BRUSH. ew I know.
I change the water after every foundation/concealer brush because theres no point cleaning another brush in dirty water! 
I normally use the same water for eyeshadow brushes as they don't really create as much dirt as foundation and concealer so the water isent as dirty as this anyway.

I then rinse off my brush in the 'rinsing tub.' You can see that the water is A LOT clearer than before which means the brush is clean! Wooohooooo.
If the water is still turning brown when rinsing then you probably need to repeat the whole process because the brush isent clean yet! After doing this process a few times you start to learn how much shampoo, swirling, cleaning and rinsing each brush needs and then you won't be ending up with brushes that are still dirty at the end.

So I repeat this entire process with all of my brushes (changing the water as I go along, and also washing the shampoo off my hand after every brush and using fresh) and then lay them out on something to dry. I was actually pretty stupid today as I cleaned my brushes before I have put any makeup on so I'm praying they will be dry by the time I need to put my makeup on for work.......

Thats all for today! I hope you found this post interesting or helpful in some way, and let me know your techniques for cleaning your makeup brushes and also if you recommend any makes of brushes as I'm currently looking for different brands and new types just to try them out. :)

Thanks for reading, and I'll hopefully be back sooooon.


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Where else to find me - 

Twitter - @mloggee

Personal Instagram - @riddikulus___

Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Day In The Life #1 - Folk Festival

Gooooood evening everybody!

I'm still feeling really autumnal and festive IN AUGUST, and its raining today so I'm feeling even extra cosy eurrrggghhhhhh, why do I feel so excited about Christmas when I'm going on holiday in ten days?! (Which I am SUPER excited about, although today is my only day off before I go away which means this week I am doing NINE yes NINE shifts in a row. heeeeelllpppp meeeee).

Anyways, I have never done or attempted a 'Day Summary' before but I've read a few blog posts of this kind on other peoples pages and I love them! They are so nice to read and see what everyones been up to on a daily basis. So here goes.

In true English style it rained today on my only day off and me and Mum had arranged to go to a folk festival along the beach front..we went anyway but the weather was horrific, booo. 
For anybody that hasn't come across or doesn't know what a folk festival is, its like a little week when a whole town put up cute little bunting and put out lots of tents filled with arty and crafty things to buy. Its a lovely place to go and they only really happen in the summer (not that it matters what time of year they do it in England because it will just rain anyway...). 
I took my camera (Canon EOS 700D) along with me but was a bit disappointed that I couldn't take as many photos as I would have liked to due to the rain and everything looking dark and depressing :( But heres what I managed to get anyway!

Soo, the summary of today - 
  • No matter how much the community tries, setting up a folk festival will not mean the sun will shine.
  • Folk festivals will still be major busy even on weekdays and with rubbish weather, so be prepared to be driving around in circles for over twenty minutes looking for somewhere to park (this actually happened).
  • Cameras are heavy and shoulders will start to ache after a while when its been shoved into your hand bag because it cant be used because of RAIN.
  • Beach front chip shops are the BEST.
  • The beach looks very unattractive in gloomy weather.
  • It's 143 days until Christmas ;) SORRY I just had to say it.

You may not see me around here much in the next few weeks as I'm going abroad (WITHOUT INTERNET...but I'm working on that) and as I mentioned earlier, I am working for the next nine days straight so I wont have anything interesting to blog about anyway, but I will report back if anything in my not-so-interesting-life does appear interesting ;)

Let me know below what you've been doing today in the comments below!

Bye for now you lovely bunch.


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Where else to find me - 

Twitter - @mloggee

Personal Instagram - @riddikulus___

Monday, 3 August 2015

Swanky new blog & Winter excitement

Good evening everybody,

I've just spent about two and a half hours re-doing my blog. I've completely changed the style and layout..finally! I've been unhappy about the way its looked for a while and I'm off work ill (booo) today so I had the time to do it.
I hope you all like it? I love it so much already! 

Sooooo, I don't know about the rest of you but I see October approaching fast and I'm SO EXCITED. I am a complete winter fanatic and can't stop thinking about autumn/winter/Christmas related things. I haven't even been on holiday yet (two weeks to go and counting!) and I am already wishing for winter...

A few reasons why I love that time of year so much...
  •  The evenings get darker so much earlier which means the coats, scarfs, big coats and gloves go on for evening walks to see fireworks and Christmas lights.
  • Everything seems 100% cosier, and it becomes socially acceptable to live in thick bed socks, onesies and fluffy jumpers.
  • Hot drinks in the evenings or after a cold walk in front of the fire.
  • Coming home after work and sitting in front of the fire to eat chocolate, marshmallows, nuts and Christmas food.
  • Fairy lights (probably too many fairy lights..) in every room making everything look so cosy and cute.
  • Costa bringing out their cute Christmas cups and festive drinks, last year I LOVED their apple and cinnamon drink, it was literally Christmas in a cup! Heaveeen.
  • The smell of bonfires and fireplaces outside.
  • Starry night skies.
  • Going Christmas shopping and all the streets and shops are decorated completely in festive things and all the shops smell like candles and Christmas trees.
  Ahhh I need to stop because I'm getting way to excited for winter and christmas and its only just turned August!

Whats something you are looking forward to at the moment?


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Where else to find me - 

Twitter - @mloggee

Personal Instagram - @riddikulus___