Helllooooo everyone!
How have you all been?
Once again its long time no blogging, I really want to try and start doing a weekly blog on the same day kind of thing, but I work random hours and shifts so I never know when I'm going to be home one week to the next :(
So sorry for being a slacky blogger, I do have the blogger app on my phone though so I'll try and blog on the go and update you all, if thats the sort of thing you'd like to read :) Let me know below any how.
Soo, I kind of jumped on the band-wagon with this one and decided to do the thing EVERYONE is doing and try some American candy (or sweets if you're from the UK). I wasent actually planning on doing this, but I came across a shop whilst away for the weekend at my nans and that sold American foods and I couldn't help but buy some and then thought I might as well blog it also! I think in a way this sort of thing is better on a YouTube video, but as I'm awkward as anything infront of a camera, I think its better for me to stay sat behind the screen, instead of actually on it.
I don't really know much about American sweets and whats good and whats not, I've heard of a few popular ones like Cheetos and Twinkies (which I DIDN'T buy in the shop as they wanted £6 for a box of Twinkies..£6!!!) so I kind of went in with an open mind and just bought what I thought looked nice.
I didn't buy loads, as it was all fairly expensive as I assume its imported over to the UK from America, but I couldn't help trying a few!
One of the first packets that caught my eye were these...
SALTED CARAMEL PRETZELS! I love salted caramel so much I just had to buy them no matter how much they wanted for them!
They smelt and looked so delicious and were the first thing I tried out of all the sweets just because they sounded so nice. The pieces of pretzel inside were all different sizes, so I started with huge pieces and was left with tiny little teenie bits, but it was all just as nice. They tasted amazing, but kind of different to English Salted Caramel. I can't really explain what I mean unless you have tried both, but it was interesting how the same thing can taste different in different countries! I want more of these so bad and have been craving them every since the moment I finished the bag, so if anyone knows of any online American candy shops that ship to the UK let me know!! I'll love you forever....
Next up I tried Lucky Charms the breakfast cereal.
Now personally I am not a cereal fan at all and never eat it. Or if I do, I don't put milk on it, but I couldn't go buying American food without at least trying Lucky Charms!
They sold a full box for £5 but I decided to buy a smaller tub for £2 just incase I didn't like it.
My first thought on trying it was how sweet it was! I can't believe anyone could eat that first thing in the morning! Its more like a dessert! The little coloured pieces were nice (but sweet!) but the cereal parts to me tasted like Cheerios which is a cereal we have in the UK, so all in all I was kind of dissapointed but then I don't like cereal so I wasent expecting too much. But if you're a cereal fan and have a sweet tooth, then these would be perfect :)
I've heard a lot about Hershey's chocolate and its all been good, so I decided to pick up a bar of 'Cookies 'n' Creme' as any chocolate I've had this flavour in the UK has been amazing, so I wanted to see what the American version was like.
And I wasent dissapointed at all! It was SO NICE! I need more of it so bad! It wasent anything overally special, and was quite similiar to chocolate I've had before but there was just something about it that I loved. It was kind of crispy in side as well which I'm guessing is the cookies side of it, but wooowww if I could buy this at my local shop like you can in America, I would be extremely fat!
Cheetos is an American item that I think possibly EVERYONE in the UK wants to try. It's just one of those things that you always hear about and just want to see what they taste like.
I bought a small bag (even though they sold HUGE ones) and once I'd left the shop I realised they were out of date :( what kind of shop sells out of date food anyway?!
So after asking the lovely people of America on Twitter if they would be okay to eat six days out of date and you all ensured me it would be fine, I just decided to eat them anyway..
Have any of you ever heard if Nick Nacks? Or Wotsits? Because to me, these Cheetos tasted like those two mixed together. So in the shape of Nick Nacks but tasted like wotsits..
Maybe its because they were out of date :(
I bought these to add something a bit more 'sweet like' to my collection and they were not what I expceted at all! I thought they were going to be more hard and you'd have to suck them or something, but they were actually quite soft and you could just bite straight into them and eat them! They taste sooo fruity though - I think they'd be nice in the summer :) Although..I didn't like the orange ones :(
Thats all the candy I tried! I've been switching using the word candy and sweets all through this which is kind of annoying, but at least it covers both English and American ;)
I hope this is the sort of thing you like to read, and if you want me to try and different candy from other countries or more from America, then let me know! :)
Thanks for reading once again, and thankyou for all the support on my blog.
P.S Sorry about the awful photos, the lighting was so bad :( but I have a new camera now so I'll start using that to take my blog photos :)
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